Conquer Your Anxiety

What is a calm, peaceful day?

We live in uncertain times and often have a chaotic life. We experience a world full of stressors day in and day out. We have forgotten what it feels like to have a calm, peaceful day.

It’s no wonder so many of us react to the world’s overwhelming assaults with anxious feelings. From negative news to excessive social media usage, it seems we just can’t escape. Daily symptoms of worry, tenseness, racing and anxious thoughts, not to mention physical symptoms of racing heart, shortness of breath, trembling and lightheadedness are overwhelming. Whew! That’s a lot to manage!

Do one or more of these situations make you shake your head ‘yes’?

  • Run from situations that make you feel uneasy or scared?
  • Avoid activities that might bring about anxious thoughts or difficult feelings?
  • Stick with only the people you are really close to?
  • Perform rituals such as checking and rechecking something?
  • Take antianxiety medication?
  • Read a lot of self-help books to manage anxiety symptoms, but they don’t seem to help?

Anxiety Tries to Take Over Your Life

When anxiety creeps into your life, it can feel like it takes over. Exhaustion, frustration, and overwhelming feelings become the norm.

Anxiety can appear when you least expect it, for no apparent reason, and feel so disruptive – causing you to overthink every facet of life and worry about the “what if” scenarios. There is no enjoyment in life or willingness to try new things just to keep the anxious thoughts from appearing. It is severely affecting your life, and you feel drained. It’s hard to imagine feeling anxiety-free again.

You Don’t Have to Live This Way!

Anxiety is a state of mind and very treatable. Anxiety may feel like fear, but it’s true nature is complicated. Anxiety is like a puzzle where there are many pieces that fit together to create the anxious mind.

Many differing triggers provoke anxiety. Some are cognitive triggers, which is how our mind perceives certain situations. Behavior triggers, such as avoidance of a situation to keep anxiety at bay, can end up making anxiety worse. The physical triggers can be so profound and overwhelming that they alone drive up your level of anxiety.

Gain Understanding of Your Anxiety Triggers and Learn How to Master Your Anxious Mind

In sessions, we will discover what type of anxious mind you have by using neuroscience tools and questionnaires. This information will help us understand how your brain fires up certain chemicals during the anxiety cycle. This knowledge will enable us to apply coping techniques specific to your anxiety type.

We will lay the groundwork for facing your fears, identifying your worries and uncover your core beliefs that are driving your anxious thoughts. Anxiety doesn’t have to be a life style, but rather a normal occurrence that can be beneficial.

How I Can Help You

Let’s face it… there is always going to be anxiety in our lives, so let’s focus on accepting this aspect of living in a complicated world. Let’s master and accept your anxious thoughts without the judgment, deflating the power that these thoughts hold over your life.

You will learn how to:

a) Leave your worries and fears alone and simply experience them as thoughts.
b) Not act upon your anxiety; it doesn’t have to drive what you do.
c) Have a more kind and nurturing relationship with yourself.
d) Move through your anxious discomfort and live your life to the fullest.
e) Get your life back and out from under anxiety and fear.

Call now to stop the anxiety madness!